Kendra Rowe
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A Day in the Life of Ellie Ensley aka Ellie the Empress

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A Day in the Life of Ellie Ensley aka Ellie the Empress
Ellie Ensley

Ellie during a recent photo shoot

How about taking a break from the try-on haul and experiencing something new?

Well, to be fair, Ellie Ensley is quite a diverse and all-rounded person when it comes to the content she shares on her YouTube channels. Other than being an interesting fashion enthusiast, she is quite a good vlogger, especially when she goes about sharing her regular day experience. Personally, I find such blogs to be always fresh, and with someone like Ellie whose life is ( exciting?) there is always something new to share.

Learn More about Ellie Ensley

And for that, in this day's video, Ellie Ensley decides to take her viewers through her shopping experience, and this is just no ordinary shopping because she is going to her friend, Miss KD, who owns a lingerie shop.

So, first thing first, there are a few basic make-up items to do, and for this, Ellie does not go overboard, so a light, natural touch goes a long way. She mentions something about passing by Starbucks to have her daily fill of coffee. Well, for someone who says she loves coffee that much, I am surprised it's her first time visiting Starbucks (or does she mean in Tampa?). A quick drive by, and she is right into the shop.

Now, I have to admit, I have never thought of a lingerie shop to be that well-stocked. Just a look across reminds me that this is where Ellie does her adult stuff shopping ( she never struck me to be that kind, but what are the limits again?). There is this section that put some light giggles on my face a little. You see, I like to think of lingerie as that sexy, naughty, but romantic manner attire, and when Ellie went through some whips and those toys we have seen from some adult movie, that got me giggling for a moment. Kinks, they call them? Ah yes, Ellie doesn't strike me as a kinky type, and I like to leave that as a girl just having a fun moment at the wide store!

I had a glimpse of Miss KD for a moment; like Ellie, she was one well-endowed woman with a nice set of twins, and I thought to myself, it is not a surprise that birds of the same feather should flock together. That aside, Ellie had quite a good collection. In this video, she doesn't do much for try-on haul, and that can be excused given the environment she is in. She needs to be comfortable to deliver herself in the best, and that leaves the audience with a promise to show them in the next video. But first, there is a little ass wiggling to be done; I mean, what good is all that curvy if she cant remind us what she got?

Well, to call it a day, she passed by an unnamed restaurant where she had a good lunch, some great pizza, and a smoothie, and that was all that there was to it. Can't say much, but like everyone else, I am looking forward to the try-on hauls. We have seen the shopping part and would be a whole package to see how they look on her.

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